I Wonder as I Wander, an Appalachian folk hymn, ponders the question many of us ask:

“I wonder as I wander, out under the sky, how Jesus the Savior did come for to die, for poor ornery people like you and like I…”

It’s difficult for us to comprehend that an innocent baby, like Jesus, would grow up to give His life for us, yet that is the reality.

We can understand Jesus dying for a good man–a hero giving His life for another hero–we see that all the time in the movies, but why should He have had to die for US: “poor ornery people”?

If good deeds, good attitude, works of service or giving of money could earn our way to heaven Jesus would not have had to die, but that is not the case.

It is only by believing in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our own sake that we are reconciled to God. Holy God demanded a sacrifice; Jesus willingly provided it. That is truly the wonder of His love.

There really is no need to wonder. Just accept His love. Pastor Jim.