You’ve worked tirelessly at it: promoting your church or club’s event, trying to round up helpers for Old Home Day or seeking to raise your children and set them on the right path, but nothing seems to be working.

At day’s end you find yourself worn out and worried: you haven’t recruited enough helpers or pie bakers, or the people you have spoken to have ignored your request to join you at church or your children, now adults, seem determined to walk a crooked, not a straight path. They don’t listen.

You find yourself worn out from trying. And in despair.

Don’t despair! God is with you in this. II Thessalonians 3:13 reminds us: “And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.”

You may be tired, but don’t give up, because God will bless your efforts if you dedicate those efforts to Him. Therefore, find strength in Him: make that next phone call, stop and see that potential donor, speak once again to your kids.

The Lord will provide for you and rich blessings will be yours as you continue to commit yourself to Him. Pastor Jim.