John 19: 39 “When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘it is finished.’ With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.”

“It is finished.” What does that mean? It means that God’s work of providing a Savior, One who will lead His people to eternal life, has been completed.

The death of Jesus upon the cross, suffering the most cruel and humiliating death imaginable for our sakes, opened the door to Paradise.

Despite His words, however, two things remain: First, the resurrection; without it there can be no eternal life.

Unless we believe for ourselves that Jesus was raised from the dead we cannot be raised either.

The second condition is that we must personally believe. Unless we believe in the fact of the resurrection in a personal way, for ourselves, Jesus’ death has no real value in our lives, nothing more than something read in a book.

Today is Good Friday, the day of Jesus’ sacrificial death. As we look forward to His resurrection on Sunday, will you believe, if you do not already do so, that His love for you is so great that He willingly gave His life so that you, poor sinner that you are, can know and enjoy salvation and eternal life.

It is time to answer. Will you say “yes” or “no’? Pastor Jim.