Saturday, May 18, 2019

Okay, so you’ve been wronged. It happens all the time, doesn’t it? Overcharged, underserved–whatever it may be. And you’re upset: you think you will never “get even.” You’re right; you probably never will. Don’t worry...

Friday, May 17, 2019

At last the frost heaves are gone. Road crews are busy filling the potholes. Soon the highways and secondary roads will be made smooth and you will be able to zip along from one place to another with no difficulty. What a relief! So it will be in our spiritual lives,...

Thursday, May 16, 2019

You read abut it every day–how society has changed because of pressure applied by some special interest group. The PC Police are alive and well! Do you really think society is better? Or do you see individual and parental rights being abused by those who cry out...

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

There is an old adage that tells us that, as far as pigs are concerned, we can use every part, except the squeal! The point is not to waste any part of the animal, but to use it all for your benefit. It’s the same in life. We sometimes face hardship, trouble,...

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Who is the center of your universe? Is it your husband of so many years, who loves and adores you? Is it your children, those you raised and of whom you are so proud? Grandchildren? The wee ones who make you feel young again by bringing you so much joy? These are all...

Monday, May 13, 2019

Anxiety can be a killer. No doubt about it. When you let worry overcome your confidence in the Lord you set yourself up for a very rough time that can lead to emotional stress and physical illness.. It’s hard not to worry when confronted with the bad things of...