Friday, July 5, 2019

One of the great things about summer is the opportunity to laze around. Sometimes that’s in the middle of the swimming pool or the lake, when you plunk yourself on a rubber raft and just drift. At other times lazing around means sitting on the deck, under an...

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Freedom. Here in the United States we take it for granted. We’ve been free longer than any of us can remember. We’ve never known anything other than freedom, at least political freedom–free elections, freedom to travel without restrictions, freedom...

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

We’ve all see of heard about the notion of being the last one chosen for the team. Maybe it was you, waiting, hoping, while others went first, then finally, at the end, you were selected. If you listen to some modern psychologists, being the last one chosen is...

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

I don’t get it. Really, I don’t. I’m talking about people who meet the Risen Christ, give their hearts to Him, accept salvation that only He can give, become baptized and enter into the life of the church. They start off eager and active, ready to...

Monday, July 1, 2019

Some people, due to fear, have trouble sleeping at night. It could simply be the darkness inhibiting your ability to know “what’s out there.” Perhaps it’s the night noises in your home, or the sounds pets make when they move around, or traffic...