Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Do you qualify? Are you good enough? To display at certain craft fairs you have to have your wares “juried”; judged beforehand by others to see if they meet a minimum standard. To enter a NASCAR race you first must qualify by maintaining minimum speed on...

Monday, April 15, 2019

Today is Marathon Monday–the running of the Boston Marathon. Some 30,000 runners are expected to compete and they all have one thing in common: each one has prepared for this race. Not all expect to win; many know that they may not even finish, but all have...

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Yesterday I encouraged you to pray diligently for someone, to have that person filled with the knowledge of God’s will. That’s really step #2. Step #1 is to pray for that person in order that he/she comes to believe in Jesus as personal Savior. Apart from...

Saturday, April 13, 2019

One of the best things you can do for someone is to pray. I know it sounds trite–most of us already have a prayer list; the problem is that sometimes we aren’t as diligent as we might be in our prayers. Our intentions are good, but things get in the way:...

Friday, April 12, 2019

Some people are so busy pestering the Lord, boasting about all of the great things they have accomplished in His Name, that they forget that He already knows. He knows how much (or how little) you actually pray; He knows what was in your mind last Sunday during...