Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Who is the center of your universe? Is it your husband of so many years, who loves and adores you? Is it your children, those you raised and of whom you are so proud? Grandchildren? The wee ones who make you feel young again by bringing you so much joy? These are all...

Monday, May 13, 2019

Anxiety can be a killer. No doubt about it. When you let worry overcome your confidence in the Lord you set yourself up for a very rough time that can lead to emotional stress and physical illness.. It’s hard not to worry when confronted with the bad things of...

Sunday, May 12, 2019

You’re in the kitchen, just starting to make that pie you’ve been thinking about all day. It’s going to be delicious, and a perfect ending to a really good meal! You begin to mix the ingredients. It’s all going well, until you...

Saturday, May 11, 2019

We live in an increasingly “PC” world and everyone knows it. You have to walk on eggs so as not to offend anyone about anything, be it skin color, national origin, political beliefs, the way you part your hair–anything and everything is open to...

Friday, May 10, 2019

We all know him; maybe you’re married to him: the guy who always has to be right. The guy who always has to have the last word. The guy who always has a “better” way of doing it. The guy who is arrogant beyond belief. The guy who simply won’t...