Thursday, July 26, 2018

Disappointment and discouragement can be difficult emotions to endure. You work hard at some project or other, or labor to prepare and serve stellar meals, but your efforts go unappreciated and unnoticed. Take heart, though. Don’t be discouraged. “But as...

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Stubbornness is a character trait that can go both ways, don’t you think? There’s the good kind of stubbornness; the stubborn love of a mother for her son, even when he’s the wayward sort. Still, she loves him and will always stand up for him,...

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

What is it that you want out of life? Do you desire to be rich, really filthy rich, like Bill Gates, or famous like the Kardashians or some other well-known people? What is it that drives you every day? Perhaps your goals aren’t that high: maybe you just want to...

Monday, July 23, 2018

Is there something in your life that you just can’t get past? You’ve tried to quit smoking, for instance. You go a week or two, then light up again and begin puffing away, hating yourself for your weakness. Perhaps it’s an alcohol problem. You do...

Sunday, July 22, 2018

“In God We Trust.” That’s the motto found on our money. It’s been there for so long, since 1864, that it has become a trite expression, having little real meaning. Yet the thought remains: who do you trust? Do you trust yourself only, with no...