Wednesday, May 16, 2018

It’s always worse at night, isn’t it? The pain of losing a loved one, the depression due to loneliness–it seems magnified ten times over after the sun goes down. Despair and depression are two factors that drive drug abuse, the scourge that is...

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Everyone has bad days, times when the world–whether that is your job, your children, your finances or health–seems intent on bringing you down. Where can you hide? I know one gal who gets in her car and drives, and just keeps going, sometimes for hours,...

Monday, May 14, 2018

How best to express God’s love today? Why not devote this day to honoring Him by serving others? Maybe get coffee for a co-worker, or take a neighbor to lunch. Or just drop in and visit someone that you know is hurting, just to let that person “talk it...

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sometimes it’s hard to find the time to pray: you’re always in a hurry: dashing to work, to grocery shop, to take the kids to soccer, dance or some other activity. Your spouse has this or that to be done. No time for yourself! And because of that you find...

Saturday, May 12, 2018

It’s a beautiful morning–bright sun streaming down–a good day to get outside for yard work, such as raking and pruning. As you do so, take note of the beauty of God’s creation around you, the grandeur of His world. It is symbolic of Who our...