Thursday, May 31, 201

On the evening news the other night was a story about a televangelist from Louisiana, who has asked his church to donate 54 million dollars for a jet, so the preacher can travel worldwide. Part of his rationale included the statement that “If Jesus were here...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The weather has settled; it’s time to plant your garden. What do you want to grow this season? If tomatoes, don’t forget to put them in the ground; if green beans, don’t plant beets instead. What you reap in the fall depends upon what you have...

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Some people don’t know how poor they are. After all, they drive a fancy car, live in a big, new house and wear stylish clothes. It’s all good on the outside, but when the chips are down–when trouble strikes, like job loss, serious illness or the loss...

Monday, May 28, 2018

Practice makes perfect. That’s an old saying we all know: if you want to learn to do something well, you have to work at it. It holds true in all aspects of life, from hitting a baseball to typing on a keyboard to cooking a meal. Practice makes perfect....

Sunday, May 27, 2018

You wonder if your prayers will ever be answered as you struggle through another day. When will God listen? When will He respond? When will you get what you have so diligently prayed for? Maybe never. It could be that what you are seeking is not part of God’s...