Friday, April 20, 2018

Ah, Friday. Just one more day until the weekend. One day to finish that project at work or the one at home, one day until you can rest and relax over the weekend. The trouble is, you’re tired already and this day has just begun! But take heart and remember these...

Thursday, April 19, 2018

One of the wonderful things about the Bible is that it is filled with pithy sayings that sometimes cut through all of the chaff and get right to the heart of the matter. Here is one of those, in Proverbs 26: 20: “Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a...

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

It’s cloudy this morning, but it’s not raining. That’s an improvement, isn’t it? Yet there is more rain and snow in the forecast, and that is discouraging. That’s sort of the way life is, isn’t it? You experience days of joy,...